Post #27 – Women’s Memoirs, Author Conversations – Kendra Bonnett and Matilda Butler
“I’ve always wanted to be a writer — from the moment I was born. I’m convinced of it.” Nancy Bachrach, author of The Center of the Universe, put just the right light touch on her comments during our interview. She gave us much to think about and enjoy even days after we talked with her so we’re eager to share the audio of our conversation with you. While responding with humor, Nancy still gave serious consideration to all the questions posed by our listeners.
In her memoir, Nancy uses her witty and dark sense of humor to tell a mother-daughter story laced with insight into living with an off-balanced mother. We’ll post a review of her book on October 21. In the meantime, listen below as she reflects on multiple aspects of memoir writing:
— How do you find your own voice for writing a memoir?
— How do you decide to tell your mother if you are writing a story she won’t like?
— What if you remember childhood events in a different way than your siblings?
— How do you accommodate the stories of your siblings?
— How do you find the parts of your story to include if you have been writing for many years?
— How did you decide on the structure of your memoir?
— How do you market a memoir?
— How do you begin a memoir?
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