Writing Alchemy Products, Gift Baskets, Kits & Coaching
CLICK HERE to visit our store on etsy.com and check out the limited-time offers. Only available through etsy.com shop.
Be sure to check out our ALL NEW “Gold Standard Writer’s Gift Basket” and 3 Memoir Writing Kits. “Just add stories and mix.”
Scroll down for details
Writing Alchemy: How to Write Fast and Deep
Price: $24.95 (Free Shipping)
For details on Writing Alchemy: How to Write Fast and Deep, (including the Table of Contents) Click Here.
Does Writing Alchemy really work? Our students tell us that it does. We agree because we have seen the difference in their writing. We especially love it when we get an email from someone using the revolutionary approach that the book details. Here’s one we received recently:
I purchased Writing Alchemy some time ago and find that it is not only a mainstay in writing a memoir, but also it is a definite “how-to” manual for penning any type of prose. Currently, I am researching material in order to write an historical novel about my great-great-grandmother who, for 18 months, ‘passed’ as a man and fought alongside her Confederate comrades during the Civil War. I am so extremely fortunate to be the recipient of the five diaries she wrote during that venture in her life. However, ‘bringing her to life’ will be so much easier thanks to Writing Alchemy.
Thank you and all for preparing and publishing this wonderful writing guideline. It certainly assisted me in writing my memoir and will be indispensable in every writing project I accomplish from now going forward. Kudos to all who worked on this masterpiece. — Dr. J. D. W-B
NOTE: International book orders may be invoiced separately for additional postage, depending on the country. Invoice will be sent from PayPal and book will be shipped once the additional payment has been made.
Gold Standard Writer’s Gift Basket
Special Price: $129.95 ($206.85 value)
It’s always the season to nurture your inner writer…and that of your favorite wordsmith.
Our GOLD STANDARD (designed by writers for writers) is the ultimate gift basket for everyone on your list who dreams of putting pencil to paper. And if the description below of essential goodies inspires you to write, we suggest you get one for yourself.
The GOLD STANDARD WRITER’S GIFT BASKET is a $211.85 value. Priced for a LIMITED TIME at just $129.95…And shipped FREE. You’ll be amazed at what it includes.
HANDMADE THAI SILK Journal Cover…Our words, thoughts and stories deserve to be wrapped in beauty. These colorful Thai silk journal covers are designed and made exclusively for us by Thai weavers, dyers and seamstresses who bring hundreds of years of tradition to their craft. And we include a standard composition book–ready to start capturing those story ideas immediately. Let us select a color and pattern for you. $35 value.
WRITING ALCHEMY: How to Write Fast and Deep…Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett wrote this award-winning book to share the best of their teaching and coaching techniques with writers who want to bring their stories to life. The authors break their craft into five essential elements of writing: character development, emotions, dialogue, five senses and time/place. If you’ve ever been told to “show, don’t tell” and wondered how, this is the book for you (and all writers of fiction, creative nonfiction, memoir and essays). $24.95 value.
STORYMAP (TM): The Neverending Writing Prompt…Want a fun, new way to stimulate your creative writing? This full-color map of the fictive town of Five Points serves as a backdrop for creative writers. It’s loaded with prompts for character development, emotions, dialogue, sensory description and time/place references…all the elements you need to deepen your writing. StoryMap provides the prompts to get you started. You’ll spend less time wondering what to write, and more time building your skills. And you’ll never run out of ideas. $19.95 value.
WRITER’S MUG…What dedicated writer can work without a steaming mug of tea, coffee or hot chocolate within arm’s reach? Soothe and satisfy your inner writer with green tea. Stimulate your word production with a caffeine jolt. And a little hot chocolate…well that just speaks for itself. Our friend Suzanne designed and drew the mug for us. We think you’ll love using it as much as we do. $17. value.
BLACKWING 602 PENCIL…Have you ever noticed how writer’s have their favorite places to write? Their favorite paper? Even their favorite pen? Well this is the favorite pencil of generations of writers…including some of the greats. The original Eberhard Blackwing was a favorite of Steinbeck, Hemingway, Wolfe and Capote. The original pencil disappeared from the market in 1998, but has been brought back…complete with the unique ferrule that allows the user to replace the eraser. The Blackwing motto is “Half the pressure, twice the speed.” It’s replaced our favorite fountain pen as our writing instrument of choice. $1.76 value.
CHOCOLOVE DARK CHOCOLATE BAR with Almonds and Sea Salt…Writer’s need love and energy. That’s why we included the fabulous Chocolove Dark Chocolate bar. For the past 18 years, Timothy Moley has been making his distinctive treats in Boulder, Colorado. You’ll find them sold in the country’s best health and natural food stores. The almond and sea salt is especially delicious, which is important as dark chocolate is about so much more than antioxidants and flavonoids. $3.19 value.
SPECIAL INCLUSION…In 2009, Matilda Butler reproduced her popular Memoir Writing Class as a series of instructional, step-by-step videos. All 21 lessons of The [Essential] Women’s Memoir Writing Workshop were originally available only on DVD, but now the entire 8 hours are accessible online–for convenience. With Internet access, a writer can watch, learn, rewatch anytime…anywhere. Matilda takes writers from the planning stages (theme and message) through research, writing, even marketing and publication. $109 value.
BRIGHTLY PACKAGED in colorful box and wrapped in shiny cello bag festooned with ribbons…A gift should thrill the recipient even before it’s opened, and this one really does. It may be too pretty to open, but watch your favorite writer rip into this one.
FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING in the USA…That’s our gift to you.
Matilda and Kendra are award-winning writers in their own right with 11 published books between them. They have been teaching, coaching and creating unique tools and gifts for writers since 2007.
Note: All orders for the Gold Standard Writer’s Gift Basket are handled through our etsy.com store. Just click on the link below.
Three Memoir Writing Kits
We’ve designed three kits to make it easy for you to get started writing or to continue, if you’ve gotten stuck or just want to improve your storytelling. We might even say:
“Just add your stories and mix.”
KIT #1. The [FUNDAMENTAL] Memoir Writing Kit: Our Value-Priced Kit Designed to Get You Writing NOW
Price: $69.95 (Value: $133.95)
—Writing Alchemy: How to Write Fast and Deep– This book provides a system for working through your story, developing characters, capturing emotions and sensory detail, even writing dialogue. You’ll discover your natural inner writer as you learn to dig deep within yourself for the writing power that’s been waiting for you to tap (sells separately for $24.95).
—The [Essential] Women’s Memoir Writing Workshop-Almost 8 hours of online video instruction divided into 21 lessons that will take you from planning to publication of your memoir–yours to watch as often and for as long as you wish (sells separately for $109).
Price: $69.95 (Value: $133.95)
Award-winning authors Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett have assembled The [Fundamental] Memoir Legacy Writing Kit to serve as your guide as you explore and write your personal legacy. Both women have taught, coached and worked with aspiring authors for years. Now they’ve paired their two most popular instructional tools to get you started writing.
KIT #2. The [ESSENTIAL] Memoir Writing Kit: Upgrades to the Original Kit, Designed to Enhance Your Writing Experience and Keep You Going
Price: $99.95 (Value: $203.95)
Look at all that the [Essential] Kit includes:
— Writing Alchemy: How to Write Fast and Deep ($24.95) See description in Kit #1
— The [Essential] Women’s Memoir Writing Workshop Unlimited online access to all 21 video lessons ($109) See description in Kit #1
— Thai Silk Journal with Reusable Cover–made exclusively for Women’s Memoirs, it’s handwoven and hand sewn and will fit over any standard composition book (included)…you’ll be writing and journaling in elegance ($35)
— The Women’s Memoirs writer’s mug–with rosemary and other garden-inspired illustrations, artwork designed exclusively for Women’s Memoirs ($17)
— Premium Unfolding Green Tea–1/4 pound of healthful organic green tea that will fill you with antioxidants and flavonoids to keep you strong and writing. Pour hot water over the small hand-rolled balls and watch them unfold, just as your stories will. ($18.00)
Price: $99.95 (Value: $203.95)
KIT #3. The [ULTIMATE] Memoir Writing Kit: For the Serious Writer Who Wants to Add One-on-One Coaching at an Incredibly Low Price
Price: $249.95 (Value: $500.95)
— Writing Alchemy: How to Write Fast and Deep ($24.95) See description in Kit #1
— The [Essential] Women’s Memoir Writing Workshop Unlimited online access to all 21 video lessons ($109) See description in Kit #1
— Thai Silk Journal with Reusable Cover–made exclusively for Women’s Memoirs ($35) See description in Kit #2
— The Women’s Memoirs writer’s mug–designed exclusively for Women’s Memoirs ($17) See description in Kit #2
— Premium Organic Unfolding Green Tea–($18) See description in Kit #2
— One Writing Alchemy Coaching Class (3 sessions) –Let Matilda or Kendra guide and critique your writing as you become serious about your memoir. They’ll get you started using Writing Alchemy or help you with Advanced Character Development, Emotions and Affect, Dialogue, Five Senses or Time/Place (each coaching class sells separately for $297). Coaching included only in Kit #3: The [Ultimate] Memoir Writing Kit
Price: $249.95 (Value: $500.95)
Please tell your friends about these three unique memoir writing kits! — The [Fundamental], The [Essential], and The [Ultimate]Each is a lovely gift to yourself or a friend or family member.
NOTE: While the current edition of Writing Alchemy is specifically for memoir writers, the information is appropriate for writers of all genres.
Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett are the award-winning authors of the collective memoir Rosie’s Daughters: The “First Woman To” Generation Tells its Story. They are the authors of more than 10 books between them, teachers, coaches and mentors to hundreds of writers and frequent speakers at writing conferences.
Writing Alchemy Chapter-by-Chapter Coaching and Feedback
1. Writing Alchemy: Head Start Coaching
Regular Price: $297 for three one-on-one sessions
++++To schedule your sessions for the HEAD START COACHING and to pay, contact Matilda.++++
Click to Contact Matilda
Want help getting started with Writing Alchemy, the “revolutionary” new approach to writing? Want to go at your own pace? We’ll make our schedule fit your schedule. Perhaps you want to learn the material quickly. We stand ready to give you feedback on each of the writing assignments in Chapter 2 of Writing Alchemy. Either Matilda or Kendra (your choice) will:
- Ensure your synopsis covers a scene or story piece that you can deconstruct and write in about 2000 words;
- Critique your five deconstructions showing the strengths and areas where you can do more;
- Provide feedback on and suggestions for your final story that you’ve built on the deconstructions
I have tried numerous times to get started on my life story. This has given me what I need to finally get started.” M.P.
“I loved the step-by-step approach.” -Barbara L.
2. Writing Alchemy: In-Depth Character Development Coaching
Regular Price: $297 for three one-on-one sessions
++++To schedule your sessions for the IN-DEPTH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT COACHING and to pay, contact Matilda.++++
Click to Contact Matilda
Once you have completed your assignments for the Head Start coaching and are ready to move into more depth, then Character Development is the coaching program for you. We’ll work with you individually to take you deeper into understanding and revealing the people you are writing about — including you. Many memoirists fail to share enough detail about themselves, leaving readers wondering about your motivations. Chapter 3 gives you access to research from the social sciences that will help you know more about yourself and others in your book. In this coaching, we’ll give you detailed feedback on your deconstruction and writing.
“Your feedback was extremely helpful – exactly what I was looking for. Thank you very much.” A.G.
3. Writing Alchemy: In-Depth Emotion and Affect Coaching
Regular Price: $297 for three one-on-one sessions
++++To schedule your sessions for the IN-DEPTH EMOTION AND AFFECT COACHING and to pay, contact Matilda.++++
Click to Contact Matilda
If you want coaching as you work through Writing Alchemy, then the next program available to you is Emotion and Affect. We’ll coach you through the chapter, giving your feedback on your deconstruction as well as the story you write. Although the focus will be on development and expression of emotions, the story you write for the third critique will draw on what you have learned about Character Development in your previous coaching.
“The level of thought and attention to detail surpassed any course I have taken so far. Comments and suggestions provided were both positive and constructive. It was clear that Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett spent significant time reviewing our work. I was hoping for some good, objective, and thoughtful feedback on my work. I received both encouragement and very constructive and specific ideas on how to improve my writing. I got my wish! Great class!” —Karen
4. Writing Alchemy: In-Depth Dialogue Coaching
Regular Price: $297 for three one-on-one sessions
++++To schedule your sessions for the IN-DEPTH DIALOGUE COACHING and to pay, contact Matilda.++++
Click to Contact Matilda
Dialogue, that’s writer-speak for conversations. We all know how to have conversations. Yet, it isn’t that easy knowing how to use dialogue effectively in writing. This one-on-one coaching will give you feedback as you deconstruct and then construct a scene or story in your memoir.
“Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett exceeded my expectations in Writing Fast Writing Deep. The outline of their expectations in the class was clear, concise and to the point. Assignments were returned in a timely manner with comments that were easily understood and very helpful. I high recommend any class they may teach in tandem or individually.” —S. M.
5. Writing Alchemy: In-Depth Five Senses Coaching
Regular Price: $297 for three one-on-one sessions
++++To schedule your sessions for the IN-DEPTH FIVE SENSES COACHING and to pay, contact Matilda.++++
Click to Contact Matilda
Adding a little detail from the five senses will almost immediately improve your writing because readers respond. But what happens when you want to go beyond the dabble phase of using the five senses? That’s when you need to learn more about each of the five, understand the finer points of their meaning and how to effectively use them. The benefit to you? When you deconstruct for the five senses, you will remember more about your story than you can imagine. In the three feedback sessions, we’ll help you master use of the five senses in your writing through the deconstruction of one scene or story in your memoir and then the story construction based on our critique.
“I look forward to taking more classes given by Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett. They are both highly skilled writers and instructors. My sensory writing skills took a large step forward after the first class. By the end of the course I now possess a wonderful tool to easily use whenever I seek to add the richness of sensory information to any story I write. I highly recommend both this course and these instructors. Thanks for offering these online courses. I would have to travel very far from home to find anything comparable.” —Mary Jo
6. Writing Alchemy: In-Depth Time and Place Coaching
Regular Price: $297 for three one-on-one sessions
++++To schedule your sessions for the TIME AND PLACE COACHING and to pay, contact Matilda.++++
Click to Contact Matilda
Do you understand the significance of time and place in your memoir? If so, have you conveyed the information and emotion to your readers? Time and place are not a set of dry facts to be quickly stated and get behind you in your writing. Our stories happen at a specific time and in a specific place. Learning their importance and opening yourself to their influence is part of the process of memoir writing. Your deconstruction for these twin elements — time and place — will help anchor your writing.
“I have been teaching writing for twenty-four years, have taken Writer’s Digest workshops, have attended DFW Writer’s and SCBWI Conventions, have written two novels and read countless books on writing by such authors as Margaret Atwood and Noah Luke. My point is, Matilda Butler and Kendra Bonnett have taught me things about imagery and voice I never knew and that I am excited to apply to my writing right away. These ladies are encouraging, intelligent, and must themselves be tremendously excellent writers. I would take any workshop they offered and am motivated to read their published work. Thank you for giving me real tools to assist me in building my memoir into a stronger more marketable piece of work.” —Amanda