Memoir Writers: Happy St. Patricks Day (with Recipes)

by Matilda Butler on March 17, 2019

Memoir Writers and
Memoir Readers
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I’ve been experimenting lately and have two great St. Patrick’s Day

recipes. I’m sharing them with you in the hope that you’ll help me

by subscribing (it’s free, of course) to our new YouTube Channel.


In the past, Kendra Bonnett and I set up two YouTube channels.

Now, after 93,574views and 445 subscribers, we have decided to

consolidate all our previous videos into a single new channel while

we get ready to produce many more videos:

— Memoir writing videos

— Rosie the Riveter videos

— Fun cooking videos (not yet posted)

— Helpful DIY natural body care videos

(in development)

And wouldn’t you know it. As we move videos, we lose all the

previous viewership and subscriber numbers.

Meanwhile, YouTube has become more rigorous in their rules to

let us have a custom url name.

RosieCentral YouTube
(By the way, you can scroll to the bottom if you can’t wait
to see the St. Patrick’s Day recipes.)

We want to be able to name our channel’s url — we already

call the channel RosieCentral — but the url is just a bunch

of letters and numbers. An easy to remember url name is a

much better way to tell people about our videos. However,

YouTube requires us to have at LEAST 100 SUBSCRIBERS

before they will let us have a custom url.


We want to call our channel’s url —

In the meantime, the url is just a long string of letters and numbers,

which makes it almost impossible to tell anyone where to look

for our videos.

After all, just how quickly can you say (or type) …

If you click on the button below and then click on SUBSCRIBE

on our YouTube channel, we’ll be very grateful. You’ll be helping

us get our custom url. And by subscribing, you’ll have access to our videos.

WHY RosieCentral?


The RosieCentral YouTube channel is about ALL

THINGS ROSIE — including:

• Memoir writing,

• Rosie the Riveter products,

• From-Scratch-Rosie Recipes,

• RosieMade DIY handcrafted body care,

• And more.

It all started back in 2007 when we wrote–Rosie’s Daughters:

The “First Woman To” Generation Tells Its Story — an

award-winning collective memoir about Rosie the Riveter

and her daughters — women born during WW2.

For presentations about the memoir, we researched and

created a few authentic-style Rosie Bandanas. When

audience members started clamoring for them, we made

more, set up an Etsy store and began creating additional

Rosie Gear.

Eventually we opened multiple stores featuring

• Memoir Writing Books and Videos,

• Rosie the Riveter Gear,

• Stand With Women products,

• RosieGram with curated RosieMade gifts, and

• BuyBulkWholesale for groups and organizations that want larger numbers of our Rosie Gear.

We are in the process of combining our previous videos in this

new YouTube channel — RosieCentral. Soon we will be adding

Rosie cooking videos and DIY videos on what we call RosieMade

body care products and even more types of videos.

Thanks for considering our request.
And Now Our THANK YOU —
2 Great St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

I love finding a terrific price on cabbage and mid-March is one

of the best times as stores cater to St. Patrick’s Day meals. I

bought two heads this morning so I can make my favorite

Creamy Cabbage multiple times in the coming weeks. The

fresh heads keep well in the refrigerator so I don’t have to

cook them all at once. I also bought several Yukon Gold

potatoes for my Crispy Roasted Potato recipe.

Of course, cabbage and potatoes are perhaps the best

known vegetables to serve on St. Patrick’s Day. They can

even be combined in a dish called Colcannon. A few years ago,

I got hooked on Colcannon. But today, I want to share two of my

newer experiments that let each dish feature just one of the vegetables.

Soon I’ll make videos of these recipes and post them on our

RosieCentral YouTube channel. I’m sure that Rosie the Riveter would

have made them as they are both nutritious yet inexpensive dishes

that can either be a main course or side dishes — just add your

favorite protein.

Creamy Caramelized Cabbage


1/2 medium green cabbage, slice thinly after removing core

1/2 onion, chop into small pieces

1 T fresh ginger, (optional) chop into small pieces

1 T margarine or butter (I’m vegan so I use Earth Balance)

1/2 c. coconut cream or fresh cream or even regular or

non-dairy milk

Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste


1. In a large skillet, heat the margarine over medium heat until it is

melted. Add the onion, cooking about 5 minutes. Stir so that it

doesn’t begin to burn.

2. Add the ginger and cook for another minute. Then, add

cabbage, stirring well to coat. If the cabbage-onion mixture

seems too dry, add a tablespoon of olive oil or other oil. Cook,

stirring occasionally for about 15-20 minutes, until the cabbage

has softened. There should be some browning as the cabbage

pieces caramelize. This is what makes the dish so delicious!

3. Turn the heat from medium to low and stir in the cream/milk.

As you stir, make sure that any browned pieces of cabbage or

onion are scraped up from the bottom and combined with the

mixture. Cook over low for about 10 additional minutes. Add

salt and pepper to taste. Be sure you continue to stir and check

the cabbage mixture as you don’t want it to burn, but you do want

the moisture absorbed. (Trust me on this point about burning!) Taste,

adjust seasonings and serve.

Crispy Roasted Potatoes


2 large Yukon Gold or russet potatoes (cut into 1/2 to

3/4 inch pieces — peel russets but not necessary for Yukon Golds)

2 T margarine or butter (I’m vegan so I use Earth Balance)

1 T olive oil

1 1/2 to 2 T salt in 6 to 8 cups water (Sounds like too much

but read note below.)


1. In a large saucepan, add salt to 6 to 8 cups of water and

bring to boil.

2. Add chopped potatoes and boil for 6 minutes.

3. Drain potatoes and return to hot saucepan (no longer

on the burner). Add margarine/butter and olive oil. The hot

potatoes and pan will melt the margarine. Stir to coat potatoes.

4. Put potatoes onto cookie sheet. Spread them out so that

they are in a single layer. I line my cookie sheet with foil or

parchment paper to simplify cleanup.

5. Roast at 450 degrees on top shelf of oven for 15 minutes.

Remove pan and use spatula to turn the potatoes over. Roast

for an additional 10 to 15 minutes.

Note 1: The actual time in the oven depends on the size of

your potato pieces. So be sure to check them.

Note 2: The initial boiling in the heavily salted water ensures

that you don’t need to add salt when serving the potatoes.

They will have already absorbed salt evenly.

Note 3: Why not just olive oil? I love cooking with olive oil,

but the presence of margarine helps the potatoes

brown beautifully.

Matilda Butler
Matilda Butler
• Memoir Coach
• Award-Winning Author
• Developer of Rosie the Riveter Products
• Blogger

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